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JSI Tip 0774. Where are the colors of desktop objects stored?

The Colors subkey contains value names that store desktop colors as Red, Green, and Blue values for each Windows object. The path is

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors.

The value names are all type REG_SZ entries. The value names and the default settings are:

  Value entry     Default value  &nbsp
  ActiveBorder     192 192 192 &nbsp
  ActiveTitle     0 0 128 &nbsp
  AppWorkSpace     255 255 255 &nbsp
  Background     255 255 255 &nbsp
  ButtonFace     192 192 192 &nbsp
  ButtonHilight     255 255 255 &nbsp
  ButtonShadow     128 128 128 &nbsp
  ButtonText             0 0 0 &nbsp
  GrayText     128 128 128 &nbsp
  Hilight     0 0 128 &nbsp
  HilightText     255 255 255 &nbsp
  InactiveBorder     192 192 192 &nbsp
  InactiveTitle     192 192 192 &nbsp
  InactiveTitleText     0 0 0 &nbsp
  Menu     255 255 255 &nbsp
  MenuText     0 0 0 &nbsp
  Scrollbar     192 192 192 &nbsp
  TitleText     255 255 255 &nbsp
  Window     255 255 255 &nbsp
  WindowFrame     0 0 0 &nbsp
  WindowText     0 0 0  &nbsp

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