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How do I use the remote wipe facility on Messaging & Security Feature Pack for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices?

A. You can reset these devices via the MobileAdmin Web site. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Access the ActiveSync Mobile Admin Web page https://<exchange server>/mobileadmin.
  2. Click the Remote Wipe link, as the figureshows.
  3. Enter the mailbox name or SMTP address of the user who uses the device and click the search icon, as the figure.
  4. From this window you can initiate two actions, as the shows. The Delete action breaks the partnership between the device and the Exchange server. The Wipe action remotely wipes the selected device (but not extra installed storage devices) of all information.
  5. The status will change to "Wipe initiated" and an action of "Cancel Wipe" will be displayed, as the figureshows. If the device is retrieved and used again, you need to activate the Cancel Wipe option or else when the device is used, it will wipe on each sync.

If direct push technology is enabled, the device will be reset almost immediately; if direct push is not enabled, the next time ActiveSync is performed from the device, the device will be wiped and restarted to a blank "new" state. If you check the transaction log link via the Mobile Admin Web site, you'll see the actions of the wipe, as the figureshows.

You can read more information about remote wipe on the Exchange team blog at .

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