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How do I run NT Backup from the command line?

A. To run NT Backup from the command line, simply use the following syntax.

ntbackup <operation> <path> /a /b /d "text" /e /hc:<on/off> /l "<filename>" /r /missingtape /t <backup type> /tape:n /v

The table below explains each parameter.

<operation> The operation to perform. If you want to eject a tape, add the eject command, and include the /tape parameter.
<path> The list of drives and directories to back up. You can’t use filenames or the wildcard character. To back up multiple drives, put a space between the drives (e.g., ntbackup backup c: d:).
/a Appends backup sets to the end of the tape. If you omit this parameter, the tape will erase.
/b Backs up the local registry.
/d "text" A description of the tape.
/e Logs only exceptions.
/hc:<on/off> If you use /hc:on, hardware compression is used. If you use /hc:off, no hardware compression is used.
/l "<filename>" Location and name for the log file.
/r Restricts access (ignored if you use the /a parameter).
/missingtape Specifies that a tape is missing from the backup set when the set spans several tapes. Each tape becomes one unit rather than part of the set.
/t <backup type> The type of backup (i.e., normal, incremental, differential, copy, or daily).
/tape:n Specifies which tape drive to use (from 0 to 9). If you omit this parameter, NT Backup uses tape drive 0.
/v Performs verification.
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