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How do I configure ISA to automatically dial out via RAS?

A. If you expand your ISA array, expand Network Configuration and select Routing you will see a "Default rule". If you right click on the default rule and select Properties and select the Action tab you will see 'Automatically dial out' but none of your entries are shown.

You first need to run a VBS script which is in the \sdk\samples\admin\scripts folder of the ISA CD called Add_DOD.vbs however you will need to edit it first.

' Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.<br>
' This script will add new Dialup Entry and set the Dialup Entry Credentials.<br>
' After that the script will set one Routing rule to use the new Dialup Entry<br>
Sub SetDialupEntry()<br>
    Set ISA = CreateObject("FPC.Root")<br>
    Set Arrays = ISA.Arrays<br><br>
    arrayname = InputBox("Please enter the array name, or <enter> for the first array:")<br><br>
    If arrayname = "" Then<br>
        Set arr = Arrays(1)<br>
        ' Look for the specified array<br>
        On Error Resume Next<br>
        Set arr = Arrays(arrayname)<br><br>
        If Err.Number  0 Then<br>
            MsgBox "The array specified array was not found"<br>
            Exit Sub<br>
        End If<br>
    End If<br><br><br>
    'Add Dialup Entry<br>
    Set objDialupEntry = Arr.PolicyElements.DialupEntries.Add ("<b><font color="#800000">ISA_DISPLAY</font></b>",
"<b><font color="#800000">RAS_ENTRY</font></b>")<br>
    'Set the Dialup entry credentials<br>
    objDialupEntry.Credentials.UserName = "<b><font color="#800000">UserName</font></b>"	'Enter here your username<br>
    objDialupEntry.Credentials.Password = "<b><font color="#800000">Password</font></b>"	'Enter here your password<br>
    objDialupEntry.AuthenticationEnabled = True<br>
    'Select routing rule and set the Autodial to the added Dialup Entry<br>
    Set objRoutingRule= arr.NetworkConfiguration.RoutingRules(1)<br>
    objRoutingRule.PrimaryRoute.AutoDialOut.SetAutoDial True,"<b><font color="#800000">ISA_DISPLAY</font></b>"
    MsgBox "Done"<br>
End Sub<br><br>

You need to change the items in Purple. The first, ISA_DISPLAY should be the display name as it should be displayed in ISA, the next is the actual RAS entry name. Set the correct connection username and password. Finally set the autodialout to the dialout entry name.

Now double click the VBS file, you will be asked for the array (just press Enter).

Once done it should be selected under the Default Rule.

If you have any problems and want to remove the dial up entries run Remove_Unused_DialupEntries.vbs script in the same directory and try again!

TAGS: Security
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