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How can I use the Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) OS Deployment Feature Pack to deploy an application that only certain groups use?

A. I've discussed in earlier FAQs how to use the SMS OS Deployment Feature Pack to deploy the core applications that every desktop uses, but deploying applications that only certain groups use requires a different procedure. To accomplish this, perform these steps:

  1. Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) SMS Administrator Console snap-in (Start, Programs, Systems Management Server, SMS Administrator Console.)
  2. Expand Image Packages, expand OS Package, and select Programs.
  3. Right-click OS Program and select Properties.
  4. Click the Advanced tab.
  5. Right-click Phase and from the drop-down menu select State Restore, then click Add.
  6. Select Run Software Distribution Program and click OK, as the figure shows. Enter a description for the program you're adding, select a package from the drop-down menu, then select a program for that package. Notice that only programs that don't require a user to be logged on are available to select; the installation must be a per-system installation. Click OK.
  7. On the Program properties page, click OK.
  8. Your new program will be listed. Notice that you can move the listed tasks up or down to set the order in which they run, as the figure shows. Click OK.

You then need to refresh the distribution points via the standard SMS distribution point procedures.

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