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Do-It-Yourself Disk Quotas


After searching unsuccessfully for a command-line tool that would let me manipulate Windows 2000 disk quotas, I wrote quotas.vbs. This utility sets an enforced default disk quota of 20MB on the D volume. The Setquota subroutine lets you assign disk quotas that are larger than the default quota to members of specific global groups. No additional files or utilities are necessary; Win2K includes everything you need.

To customize quotas.vbs for your shop, find the block of code that callout A in Listing 1 shows. Replace COMPANYA with the name of your domain. If you want, you can also change the disk volume and the default quota.

Quotas.vbs calls the Setquota subroutine once for every group whose quota size you want to be different from the default quota size. You'll need to modify the block of code at callout B to specify the groups you want to customize and the quotas for those groups.

You must execute this script at the server to which you want the quotas to apply. I've tested this utility on versions of Win2K Server with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and SP1.

I use this script in a college environment to control home-directory usage for more than 7000 students. Who needs an expensive commercial quota product?

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