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Create a Custom Toolbar

If your users need to use a lot of shortcuts, you can create a custom toolbar to ease confusion. Create a folder called Shortcuts on the network or the local hard drive. Add to this folder all the shortcuts that your users will use.

On each user's PC, right-click in the taskbar's gray area. Select Toolbars, New Toolbar. Enter the name Shortcuts and click Make New Folder. After you create the toolbar, slide or collapse the toolbar as far right as possible until only the name of the toolbar is visible.

When a user needs to find a shortcut to a file or application, he or she can select the double arrow next to the toolbar name. A menu will appear, showing all the shortcuts in the folder. If a lot of users will need to access the new toolbar, you might want to store the folder on the network but copy the folder to each PC and create the toolbar from the local copy to avoid overloading the network.

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