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Q: How do I configure the SMI-S provider to connect to my SAN?

A: After you have installed the SMI-S provider on a Windows virtual machine (VM), the next step is to actually create the connection between the local SMI-S provider and the SAN.

You can do this with a couple of commands.

First, the CIMServer must be started, with this command:

net start cimserver

Navigate to the folder containing the the SMI-S provider. However, if you’re launching the provider configuration utility, it should automatically open the command prompt in the right location:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Ontap\smis\pegasus\bin"

Next create a local CIM agent account:

cimuser -a -u <user, e.g. ntap for NetApp>  -w <password>

Use the following to specify enabling authentication, HTTP, and to set the port:

cimconfig -p -s enableAuthentication=true
cimconfig -p -s enableHttpConnection=true
cimconfig -p -s httpPort=5988

Use the following command to restart the CIMServer for the changes to take effect:

net stop cimserver
net start cimserver

Finally, add the connection to the actual storage device, passing the IP of the storage and an account and password plus the protocol to use:

smis <local CIM agent> <local CIM agent password> add <IP address of storage device> <account on storage, e.g. root> <password> -t http

(By the way, we do more than Windows--check out all of John Savill's FAQs for Windows!)

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